
Sunday, 6 January 2013

Well, yet again I've been slack on the blogging front...but that is about to change!  Im now really on the countdown to my return...only 10/11 weeks to go...

Two things have been consuming my thoughts lately, one is how to totally declutter my life and just ship the absolute bare essentails back, I feel that the short term process will be painful, but that overall this will make for a far smoother transition. A good friend suggested the first step was to get an inventory done, so thats what I've started, I have several boxes under the house which at some point Ill have to dig out...

But when you think about it, why keep boxes of stuff under the house anyway...just in case??

This brings me to the 'Zen" of decluttering.... of our attachment to inanimate objects, our fear of losing our 'things' Also its the time of year when we are all reminded over here in Australia, that things don't really matter people do...Bushfire season is upon us.

Over my seven years here Ive heard  several people speak from the still smouldering rubble of their family home, things along the lines of  'we're all alive and that's what matters' it puts things right back into perspective. Whats difficult is when objects are imbued with emotion...(as lets face it everything in human life is.. when you scratch the surface....) photos, letters, Dads glasses, Grandmas coat..... these things are really hard to let go of, because people are hard to let go of....

Having said all that I have downloaded a couple of books to my new Kindle.... (yep, space saving at its coolest, pink case and all!) and Im reading about how to do it.... I'm looking forward to it, and finding it very interesting the feelings that are being unleashed in the process...

Kind of on the same note, Im wondering what Ill miss?  and that feeling is becoming more acute as the day approaches.... fear again is ruling the day at times, will I find myself trapped forever more in mums tiny living room, watching endless Downton Abbey...with the curtains drawn... (fades the furniture) Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! then I kind of shake myself out of it... give myself a kindly slap... 'snap out of it'!! 'Youve done it before you can do it again!......'  etc etc....

the other week I dreamt that they didnt have a seat for me on the plane and they made me sit all the way to London on a dining room chair...when I got there I was feeling angry and couldnt decide if I should go and complain and demand my money back or simply collect Leo and move on..... I think Ill move on....

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